Contributions as of 5/27/20

Phase 2 — Donations

On May 27, 2020, All in Washington was launched to support and coordinate all local fundraising across the state. Snohomish County partners have transitioned this fund to mid- and long-term recovery. All donations up to $1 million made to the Snohomish County fund will be matched by All in Washington funders. You can make a contribution online today.

Phase 1 — Donations – Corporate & Foundation

Thank you to the generous community for support of this fund.

From March to May 2020 we raised $1.4 million for Snohomish County safety net needs. All the funds were expended by the middle of May in a rapid-response grantmaking process. The Community Foundation and partners are working on a transition to mid and long term funding needs. Safety-net grants awarded in Phase 1.

Individuals & families contributed $153,000 to Phase 1.

Various foundations have coordinated funding strategies across Snohomish County, including: Funds designated for emergency homeless shelter program.