Leadership Launch Third Annual Brats and Brackets Fundraiser


5:30 pm – 8:00 pm


LEADERSHIPLAUNCH and College Basketball Collide to Raise Money for Youth at Third Annual BRATS and BRACKETS Event!

Join in the fun by participating in-person or online:

1. Leadership Launch’s Brats and Brackets Family Dinner (in-person):
* There’s bratwurst. There’s beer. There’s basketball.
* Saturday, March 17 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at Rosehill
Community Center (304 Lincoln Avenue, Mukilteo, WA 98275).
* Register at www.bratsandbrackets.com ($30/adult, $20/child
18 and under, $85/family of four including childcare, or
$200/table of 8).

2. Leadership Launch’s Bracket Selection Contest (online):
* It’s fun. It’s interactive. It’s easy.
* Enter to win prizes and trophies.
* Register at www.bratsandbrackets.com (suggested donation
$15 per bracket or $10 if you purchase a dinner ticket).

Thank you for joining Leadership Launch this March to support our future community leaders! Together, we can empower and engage future leaders and strengthen our communities for generations.

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