
for Accountants

Whether you are helping your client with year-end tax planning, exploring private foundation options, or advising on the sale of a business, the Community Foundation can help provide tailored options that match your client’s charitable, estate,  and tax goals.

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Start the Conversation with Clients

Not sure how to start a conversation with clients about the benefits of charitable planning? 
Here are some talking points to help get the conversation started!

Options for Clients

Give Now. Give Later.

When your client works with the Community Foundation, they support the charitable causes they care about when and how they want. Whether they create a charitable fund during their lifetime or choose to give through their will, trust or another deferred gift, we will help them design a strategy that is tailored to their charitable interests as well as their financial, estate, and tax needs.

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Benefits of Non-Cash Gifts

Does your client own appreciated stock or other assets that will incur capital gains?
Explore how donating non-cash assets can help your client meet tax, financial, and charitable goals. Contributing Non-Cash Assets

Making Tax-Smart Gifts Through an IRA

Make a tax-smart gift from an IRA. A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) made from an individual’s IRA can play an important role in meeting charitable and tax goals. Explore QCD Options for your client here.

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Preparing for a client meeting? Here are some printable handouts to help guide your conversation about charitable options.  Also happy to mail hard copies! Just let us know at

Brochure for Professional Advisors

Handout for Clients

Our agency endowment funds and nonprofit support services can help you provide your nonprofit clients with the best service possible.

Disclaimer: The tax, financial, and legal requirements for charitable gifts vary and are often specific to individual circumstances. Please refer your client to certified advisors with specific legal, tax, or financial questions.

Help your client create a meaningful legacy for their community and their family.

Donor Advised Funds

Estate and Financial Planning Using a Racial and Social Equity Framework

Contact us

For additional information or to learn about webinars and presentation opportunities, please contact

EIN: 94-3188703